
Be with people who run with you


Accountabilitbuddies is currently on hold, however I am still available to be YOUR accountabilibuddy. Schedule a one-on-one today!

Meet us at the starting line

What Accountabilibuddies about?

This is about finding peer-mentors, people who can run with you.
This is a program for business owners and individuals who have taken a strategy workshop with Laura or worked with her one-on-one. We will meet once a month as a group to state goals out loud, work through challenges, answer questions related to the Strategic Design method that you learned, etc.

Monthly Group Calls

We'll meet the last Friday of each month at 1:30. This group relies on trust and confidentiality so mics and cameras are required. The meetings are NOT recorded.  

How will this help me?

Just like starting any new habit, it takes lots of time & effort. Joining this group is part of putting in the effort. Instead of getting stuck and drifting, we'll help keep you going.


We will review timelines, strategy steps, goals, and challenges. Just by sharing your goals with the others in this group you'll increase your chances of meeting them.


Prerequisite: To qualify, and in order to maintain productive and focused discussion, one of the following must apply: working with me on one-on-one coaching, taking the Role Model Way™ Advanced Leadership Academy Course, or completed participation in the Strategy Design Lab Workshop.


Choose to join ALL-IN for 12 months at a discounted rate ($96 for 12 month, months expire after 18 months), or drop-in at full price of $10 per meeting.


Add it to your calendar

Don't let "I forgot" be the reason you don't stay on top of your business strategy. 


Show up!

You owe this to yourself and you'll see that having a group of people to run with is fun!

“Thank you so much for running this group...! It has really been a lifeline giving me something to look forward to, much-needed support and help making a plan in all this uncertainty..”
— Community Retail Business Owner

50% Complete

Two Step

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