The only business performance improvement excellence framework with both your business performance and future leader development in mind


What it does

Designed for the modern business, The Role Model Way™ is the most user-friendly and adaptive performance excellence model ever. The framework provides a blueprint for problem-solving and identifying areas of strengths and weaknesses. Your business is, after all, only as strong as its weakest link or as vulnerable as its largest gap!


Why use it?

All your business problems source back to three things, you make your problems worse by trying to fix the top layer of the problem and not treating it at the source. The problem sources are:

  • Lack of alignment between the business foundation and operations
  • Gaps in the foundation
  • Poor performance

How do you fix these problems? Simply by closing gaps, aligning work, and training people. 


Who should use it?

The framework is modeled after successful businesses from many industries and represents the core elements that they all value and strive for. As a framework, it provides guidance and context but you are free to get to those outcomes in the way that is best for your unique situation. 


Elements of the Role Model Wayā„¢ Framework

How do you rate in each of these areas?

Wheel of Synergyā„¢

5 Elements of Role Model Operations Integrated by Strategic Operations

Leaders who Lead, set and communicate the vision, motivate and inspire, and enable the work to happen. Stop doing the day to day work and start looking out for the future of the business.

Empowered People, one of the ways you can stop doing the day to day work, is by ensuring your valued employees are trained and ready to make decisions in their assigned roles at every level.

THE Customer Experience, everything comes down to this. Exceeding customer expectations at every touch point, every time, throughout the customer life-cycle!

Highly Standardized Operations, progressive leaders know that processes are enhancements not hinderances. They allow you to have empowered employees and to allow everyone to contribute to continuous improvement.

Business Intelligence Mastery, today's top performers are using data to make fact-based decisions and to predict changes to help them navigate the fast-changing markets.


Stability Pillars

4 Elements that ensure stability during tough times





Corporate Social Responsibility

Learn more about The Stability Pillars and being a stable business in our webinar here

The Chainwheel Drive

6 Key Drivers to Keep the Momentum Going

Prioritizing, continually assessing what is important to deliver impact. For example, the top 3 most effective tools, the number one seller, the most pressing deadline.

Continuous Improvement, the cream of the crop never stop learning and growing.

Executing, after prioritizing initiatives they are nothing without being able to implement them.

Culture, the intangible aura of the company. Purposefully create the elusive secret sauce that nudges great businesses into the limelight.

Systems Approach, systems house the processes and keep them aligned and integrated.

Persistence, change doesn't happen overnight. Building your role model business requires dedication and time.

Let's Talk

If you want to lead the change in your industry, The Role Model Wayā„¢ framework is the solution you've been waiting for.


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